Visiting New Zealand in May and June FAQs

New Zealand in May and JuneAre you planning to travel to New Zealand in May and June? Here are a few FAQs about what to expect during your stay.

What’s the weather like during this time?

May and June is considered late fall/early winter here in New Zealand. As such, the weather is usually agreeable but do prepare for rainfall and colder nights. The days are shorter this time of year, so plan your daytime itinerary accordingly.

What are the advantages of visiting New Zealand in May and June?

Late May through June is considered off-season. Off season means that there are less travelers, making for a more relaxed holiday during your visit and possibly some better deals on your activities.

How do I prepare for my trip to New Zealand in May and June?

You’ll want to prepare for rain and cooler weather. Bring clothing that you can layer just in case the daytime is cooler than expected. While the days are generally good weather, you’re heading into winter. Depending on the different places you plan to visit, you could potentially run into snow.

Where can I stay in New Zealand?

Hicks Bay Motel is a modest motel nestled in beautiful Hicks Bay, home of the world’s first sunrise, and a day trip driving distance from Rotorua and Gisborne.

What kind of activities are available in New Zealand in May and June?

Autumn offers some magnificent photography opportunities and the daytime skies are the bluest this time of year. There are many other great things to do too. If you’re in the Hicks Bay, Gisborne or Rotorua area, be sure to check out our blog for some great ideas for things to do.



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